Supervisor: Amelia Fauzia, Ph.D
Technology in Japan had been highly developed when the Islamic religion began
to enter the territory. The development of information technology, especially
digital technology has been being the greatest invention in the world that has
a great influence to human living. This article will expose about the response
of Japanese society against the entry of Islam religion, the high information
technology development in Japan, the dominance of western influence to the
development of modern Islam intellectual. This article will also discuss about
the relation of Japanese society to Islam religion and its development, such as
modern Islam religion, intellectual development, etc.
Keyword: Japanese, Islam Modern,
Information Technology, Computerization, Intellectual Development.
Western culture had been entering to Japan territory
before Islam religion came in there. This thing makes the cause there’s
westernization in Japan’s intellectual and Japanese culture. In this year could
be said, Japan Country had been getting westernization.
Western influences of intellectual development in Japan have developed very
fast and slow about sure changes new face of Japan becoming a modern country.[1]
In the world of technology and intellectual form
west began to enter Japan territory during 1806 to the last year of World War
1. Although the west-side very influential in intellectual and Japanese culture
development, Japanese society carefully selected what they want adoption from
west influence. Japanese society began combined inherited Tokugawa patterns
with influences from Europe and North America.[2]
Japanese traditional society who still follow
Tokugawa pattern slowly accepted modern development in Japan. But, there is two
points need emphasis Tokugawa society in participation the development of the
Meiji era. One these continuities appeared despite intellectual differences
between European science and the scholarly specialties of Tokugawa Japan as
represented in the occupations of the Tokugawa societies. Second, Tokugawa
pattern were important in predisposing Meiji scientists to pursue certain
specialties with greater frequency than others. [3]
Islam religion began to enter the territory of Japan
in the last of nineteenth century, when Japan’s had been adapted with western
influence in science and technology. Islam was firstly known to Japanese people
in 1877 as a part of Western religious thought. Another important contact
between Islam religion and Japanese was made in 1890, when Ottoman Turkey
dispatched a naval vessel to Japan for the purpose of starting diplomatic
relations between the two countries as well as introducing Muslims and Japanese
people to each other.[4]
In next period, Japan’s relations with the world of
Islam can be recognized after World War I and the 1917 revolution, when the
Japanese authorities made use of previous contacts between Japanese and
Muslims, in addition to new ones, to practice its Islam policy politically and
militarily in more system manner.[5]
Introducing Muslims in Japan get the good review
from Japanese society. These facts evidenced with some people in Japan have
been joined to Islam. In 1935, Kobe Mosque had built in Japan and in the next
years, in 1938 built Tokyo Mosque. In next years, the teachings of Islam
continuities to experience growth in Japan.[6] In
modern period of Japan, Japanese Muslims have been adapted with westernization
in science and technology.
Social and sciences
development in Japan had been highly developed before western influence
entering Japan territory. From the oldest, Japanese had been open their though
for their purpose. A first consideration with the Japanese is their patriotism
and loyalty to the imperial house –hold. It will be seen that the purpose of
their education is make good subjects rather that good citizens. In the oldest
to, Japanese also had been build the relationship and cooperation with another
country to bring the development of internal resource in Japan and the others.
In April, 1868, there
is following the enthronement of the present emperor, the following memorable
oath was sworn, known as the “Imperial Oath of Five Article”, that is:
(1) Deliberative
assemblies shall be established, and all measures of government shall be
decided by public opinion; (2) all classes, high and low, shall unite in
carrying out vigorously the plan of the government; (3) officials, civil and
military, and all common people shall, as far as possible, be allowed to fulfil
their just desires so that there may not be any discontent among themselves;
(4) absurd customs of former times shall be broken through, and everything
shall be based upon the just and equitable principle of nature; and (5) knowledge
shall be sought for throughout the whole world, so that the welfare of the
empire may be promoted.
Then, in I890, the
"Imperial Edict on Education" was published. The translation into
English is inadequate to bring out the profound meaning of the original. It
reads as follows:
“Know you, our
“Our imperial ancestors
have founded our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting, and deeply and firmly
implanted virtue. Our subjects, ever united in loyal and filial piety, have
from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory
of the fundamental character of our Empire, and herein lies the source of our
education. Ye, our subjects, be filial to your parents, affectionate to your
brothers and sisters; as husbands and wives be harmonious, as friends true;
bear yourself in modesty and moderation; extend your benevolence to all; pursue
learning and cultivate arts, and thereby develop intellectual faculties and
perfect moral powers; furthermore, advance public good and promote common
interests; always respect the constitution and observe laws; should emergency
arise, offer yourselves courageously to the state; and guard and maintain the
prosperity of our imperial throne coeval with heaven and earth. So shall ye not
only be our good and faithful subjects, but render illustrations of the best
traditions of your forefathers. The way here set forth is indeed the teaching
bequeathed by our imperial ancestors, to be observed alike by their descendants
and the subjects, infallible for all ages and true in all places? It is our
wish to lay it to heart in all reverence in common with you, our subjects that
we may all thus attain to the same virtue.
[Imperial Sign
Manual] [Imperial Seal]
This education edict is
read on Commencement Day or at some solemn convocation by the principals of all
institutions throughout the empire. From all of education places in Japan, like
school, institution, and the others, just a few schools kept in old style. But
today there are twenty-eight government schools, 27.156 public schools, and
1.678 private schools. In the next Era, there is a few of classic schools began
learn any language, like Chinese Language, Japanese classic, English, Germany,
and French.[7]
IN JAPAN: Early Entry and The Response of Japanese Society
In 19th century, Japan
created a modern scientific research establishment. Its by uncritically copying
western pattern. Rather, it carefully selected, adapted, and combined inherited
Tokugawa patterns with influence from European and North America. Japan’s
experiences with development of modern science had local peculiarities, but
important pattern in that process. Several important also appeared in other
regions making similar efforts, such as India, China, and parts of Middle East.
In Meiji Era (Modern),
Tokugawa pattern (traditional) remains to be important in use the development
of aspects of western society adopted by Japan. Continuity between Tokugawa
pattern (traditional) and Meiji Era (Modern) in Japan is particularly in the
formation of the scientific community. In the later Tokugawa period samurai,
who constituted just 6% of the population, made up majority of technical
specialists and students of physical science. Throughout the period they had
monopolized access to education and power. Their predominance continued after
1868 restoration of the emperor. In 1880 some 79% of scientists were of samurai
origin; in 1990, 54% came from the former samurai population. In 1870, begin
education in the termination of samurai privileges and the spread. In 1920, 47%
of all scientists were still form former samurai families.[8]
The influence of
Tokugawa culture was not confined to the social class origins of scientists;
occupations pursued by the fathers of Meiji scientists show continuities with
the past as well. More than half had fathers who had practiced a traditional
learned "profession?" Chinese-style (kanpo) physicians made up the largest group (at least 46%), with
Confucian scholars (jusha) in second
place (not less than 7%). There were also sons of mathematicians (wasan) and Dutch studies (rangaku) scholars in the modern
scientific community. Doctors' sons tended to enter modern medicine but were
also found in physics, chemistry, biology, forestry, and engineering. Sons of
Confucian scholars were especially prominent in engineering, but they and the
sons s of Dutch studies scholars could
also be found in other specialties.[9]
Westernization in Japan
has any effect in intellectual development in Japan, especially in literature
and Information Technology (IT) developments. These developments also support
with Japanese purpose to pursuing of the fact of having fallen behind European.
The westernization also
has positive and negative effect for Japanese and Japan’s culture. The positive
effect can be seen in Japanese development in Meiji Era, such as in
intellectual, culture, relationship with another country, etc. Because
westernization to, Japan had been the amazing intellectual especially in IT
area. Japan’s modern also get the reward cause this development. Japan be the
number 4 (fourth) in reward for 5 of the best country in intellectual, behind
Finland, South Korea, and Hong Kong also before Singapore. Japan also be the
number 1 (one) in the amazing country with the IT development before America
and South Korea.
The negative effect by
westernization is Japanese be very idolize to west culture and that’s make
Japanese forget about the oldest culture in Japan. This effect can be sense in
Japan’s modern. Because when Japan more modern, Japanese communities which know
about the oldest culture and keep cultivation that slowly gone and leave behind
just bit.
IN JAPAN: Early Entry, The Spread, and The Response of Japanese Society
Islam religion began to
enter the territory of Japan in the last of nineteenth century, when Japan’s
had been adapted with western influence in science and technology. Islam was
firstly known to Japanese people in 1877 as a part of Western religious
thought. Another important contact between Islam religion and Japanese was made
in 1890, when Ottoman Turkey dispatched a naval vessel to Japan for the purpose
of starting diplomatic relations between the two countries as well as
introducing Muslims and Japanese people to each other.
Islam religion gets the
good response when entering to Japan’s territory. Because all of social system
in Islam it’s good and can be accepted by Japanese. Islam religion began
distribution in Japan group by group. Firstly, Japanese Muslims was known about
Islam religion making a special group. The group began distribution Islam by
making relation with another person and giving something his need when he
starts to join with that’s group. The group relations will stronger when many
of people give the good reason about those groups.
Islam began accepted
with the good response in Meiji Era (Restoration of Meiji, 1875).[10]
In Meiji Era, Islam slowly can be spread in Japan and making the communities in
cities, such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, Naruta, Tokoshima, Sendai, Nagoya, dan
Kamizawa. These communities began to translate Al-qur’an and Islam literature
from Europe and China to Japan’s language. In this period to, in Japan started
to build the mosques for Muslim religious service. Firstly, build mosque in
Kobe in 1935, and then in Kyoto in 1938. In the next period have been build any
mosque in Japan. Japan’s relations with the world of Islam can be recognized
after World War I and the 1917 revolution, when the Japanese authorities made
use of previous contacts between Japanese and Muslims, in addition to new ones,
to practice its Islam policy politically and militarily in more system manner.[11]
Article published by Nidha’ul Islam. (1995). Islamawareness.net/Asia/Japan/history.html
James R. (1993). “Modern Science in Japan: Comparative Perspectives”. Journal of World History, 4 (1). Pp.
Esenbel, Selcuk. (2004). “Japan’s Global Claim to
Asia and The World of Islam: Transnational Nationalism and World Power.
1900-1945”, the American Review, 109
(4), pp. 1140-1170.
Gader, Abdullah H. Abdul and Muhammad A. Al-Buraey.
(1998). “An Islamic Perspective on Managing Information Technology: Toward A
Global Understanding”, Islamic Studies,
37 (1), pp. 57-76.
Hori, Tatsu. (1909). “Modern Education in Japan”. The School Review, 17 (8), pp. 558-563
Suparno. “Keterkaitan Kebudayan Islam dengan Karater
Orang Jepang”. Pp. 1-18.
Zulhilmi, (2008) Dinamika Perkembangan Islam di
Jepang Abad 20. Skripsi. UIN Jakarta.
[1] Hori, Tatsu.
(1909). “Modern
Education in Japan”. The School Review, 17 (8). Pp. 558.
Bartholomew, James R. (1993). “Modern
Science in Japan: Comparative Perspectives”. Journal of World History, 4 (1). Pp. 101-103
[3] Bartholomew. “Modern Science in Japan: Comparative
Perspectives”. Hlm 103.
[4] Suparno. “Keterkaitan Kebudayan Islam dengan Karater Orang Jepang”. Pp. 8-15
and Islamawareness.net/Asia/Japan/history.html
[5] Esenbel, Selcuk. (2004). “Japan’s Global Claim to Asia and The World
of Islam: Transnational Nationalism and World Power. 1900-1945”, the
American Review, 109 (4). Pp. 1154.
Artcicle published by Nidha’ul Islam. (1995).
Hori, Tatsu. (1909). “Modern Education in
Japan”. The School Review, 17 (8), pp. 558-560.
Bartholomew, James R. (1993). “Modern
Science in Japan: Comparative Perspectives”. Journal of World History, 4
(1), pp. 102.
Bartholomew, James R. (1993). “Modern
Science in Japan: Comparative Perspectives”. Pp. 102-103.
In Tokugawa Era, Islam and another religion can’t be accepted in Japan. In this
Era also, Japan’s make the isolation in this territory from the relation with
another country, except Holland sales. Because, Tokugawa thought that Holland
sales can give Japan the profit.
[11] Zulhilmi,
(2008) Dinamika Perkembangan Islam di
Jepang Abad 20. Skripsi. UIN Jakarta, Introduction.